A Fool

I called myself a fool last night…unconsciously.

Hold up. Stay with me for a moment. Let’s look at a few definitions the Bible gives for a fool:

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Proverbs 1:7 ESV

One who is wise is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is reckless and careless.

Proverbs 14:16 ESV

Like a dog that returns to his vomit is a fool who repeats his folly.

Proverbs 26:11 ESV

You want to know why I called myself a fool? It’s because I knew I was in a constant cycle of a particular sin. I realized this as I was reading though my previous real life journal entrees. I noticed that over the last few months, there seemed to be a recurrence of the same complaints and thoughts pondering when Christ will come again so I will be free from basically lacking self-control and being enslaved to sin.

It’s like I was giving myself an excuse to sin. Giving the devil credit for my lack of appropriate human responsibility. Jesus did not die so I can continue to be a slave to sin, but He died to set me free so I can walk in the freedom of living in obedience to Him, and no longer be entrapped.

As I was writing this, a Psalm came to my head that I read yesterday morning.

Offer right sacrifices, and put your trust in the LORD.

Psalm 4:5 ESV

I cannot keep living life basking in hyper grace. If I truly love the Lord, I’ve got to smarten up, and act wisely in accordance to the knowledge of Him I have through His Word. I need to put down that phone when I see social media is eating up time I’m supposed to spend in His Word. I’m supposed to lay everything aside and ponder upon Him alone as I go to rest each night/morning, not as a burden but out of want, not letting any media distract me. I need to be diligent in keeping healthy patterns that are beneficial to my body because my body is the temple of the Lord. Right sacrifices should be made on my part, while trusting in the Lord to help me in my areas of inadequacy and where I fall short. However, I think the matter of the mind is a more difficult aspect to keep in check, when compared to the body control.

But I’m also learning that growing in an increased knowledge of God strengthens my mind which in turn grows my love for God, so that I not only love Him with my heart and soul, but with my mind as well and that’s how the renewal of my mind occurs.

So I pray I can stop giving excuses and continuing in a singular pattern of sin like a fool. And GOD help me to continually walk in His light, and keep His statutes to His glory alone. Amen.

Have a lovely day Saints! 🤍🕊

2 thoughts on “A Fool

  1. May God help us all. I understand your struggle sis and it resonates deeply within me but more than that, we are not alone! We have the Holy Spirit to guide us and help us make the right sacrifices and choices! Thank you for being very honest! God bless you greatly!

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    1. Amen. And yess, we have our Helper! Praise God for Jesus. Thank you for stopping by and subscribing Ms! 🤍🤍🤍I pray God uses the words spoken in this blog to grow us more in Him! Amen ♥️♥️♥️

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